
Sharon 秘密 to speak at 蓝色的field State University (蓝色的field and Beckley campuses) October 16

莎朗·米. 秘密, 著名的公共卫生和慢性病预防领导者, will be the featured speaker during October 16 presentations on 蓝色的field State University’s 蓝色的field and Beckley Center campuses. 



Twelve teams will compete for the championship during 蓝色的field State University’s Humanities Challenge, 10月11日, 10 a.m. 在波士顿州立大学布鲁菲尔德校区的哈里斯-杰斐逊学生中心.



菠菜网最稳定正规平台被指定为2023年富布赖特HBCU机构领导人.  9月18日,美国总统巴拉克.S. Department of State announced that BSU was included as one of 19 HBCUs as “Fulbright HBCU Institutional Leaders” in recognition of their noteworthy engagement with the Fulbright Program during the 2022-23 academic year.

Dr. 约瑟夫·贝克特被任命为菠菜网最稳定正规平台的参谋长

Dr. 约瑟夫·贝克特,菠菜网最稳定正规平台的参谋长

Dr. Joseph Beckett has joined the 蓝色的field State University administrative team as the Institution’s Chief of Staff.  拥有40年的高等教育经验. 贝克特为这个职位带来了丰富的学术管理知识.


Dr. 他是菠菜网最稳定正规平台生物学教授

菠菜网最稳定正规平台收到了444美元,获得美国国立卫生研究院颁发的000 000学术研究增强奖(R15).  Dr. Tesfaye拴牢, BSU生物学教授, 授权, 哪个机构提供为期三年的研究资助, 为学生创造研究机会, 加强大学的研究环境.


An August 18 ribbon-cutting ceremony at the 蓝色的field State University Medica Education Center (MEC) celebrated a makeover of the MEC’s Student Lounge.  这是保罗的礼物 & 卡罗尔·科尔基金会为该项目提供了资金.  凯斯·奥尔森在剪彩仪式上的照片(从左至右), (北京大学副校长/发展办公室), 罗宾·卡佩哈特(BSU主席), 科尔家族成员李-安妮·格林, 汤姆·科尔(主席)/{保罗 & 卡罗尔·科尔基金会),杰森·科尔,查兹·科尔,查理·科尔(BSU理事会理事)

Today’s ribbon-cutting ceremony at the 蓝色的field State University Medical Education Center (MEC) celebrated a recently completed renovation of the MEC student lounge.  这是保罗的礼物 & 卡罗尔·科尔基金会提供了修缮资金.

BSU学生Michael Acheampong获得Phi Eta Sigma奖学金

BSU学生Michael Acheampong, Phi Eta Sigma创始人基金奖学金获得者

蓝色的field State University student Michael Acheampong has enjoyed a productive summer.  The BSU computer science major has received a prestigious Phi Eta Sigma Founder’s Fund Scholarship.  Phi Eta Sigma是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的新生荣誉社团.

Dr. 泰德·刘易斯当选贝克利大学校长. Sarita ronemus被任命为BSU临时教务长

Dr. 美国菠菜网最稳定正规平台临时教务长Sarita ronemus博士(左. 泰德·刘易斯,菠菜网最稳定正规平台贝克利分校校长

菠菜网最稳定正规平台校长罗宾·卡佩哈特任命. 泰德·刘易斯担任贝克利大学校长. Sarita一. 罗纳姆斯担任菠菜网最稳定正规平台临时教务长. Dr. Lewis previously served as 蓝色的field State Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. Dr. Rhonemus was the BSU Associate Provost of Academic Affairs at the time of her appointment as Acting Provost.

Gamma Beta Phi Chooses BSU’s Helena Taylor As Its New National Director of Operations

海伦娜·泰勒,Gamma Beta Phi协会的全国运营总监

Gamma Beta Phi全国执行委员会宣布海伦娜·泰勒, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台教育拓展顾问, 英镑协会的新任运营总监是谁.

BSU的Emily Shupe获得了NASA WV空间拨款研究奖

BSU学生Emily Shupe获得了NASA WV太空基金研究奖.

Graham High School grad Emily Shupe has received a NASA West Virginia Space Grant research award, and she’s being considered for early admission into the West Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM).


Dr. Jeffrey 耶格尔 has been chosen as The International Steinbeck Society's VP for Public Relations.  Dr. 耶格尔是菠菜网最稳定正规平台的英语助理教授.

Dr. Jeffrey 耶格尔 has been chosen as The International Steinbeck Society’s Vice President of Public Relations.  耶格尔, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台英语助理教授, will facilitate opportunities for academic discourse on the life and works of John Steinbeck, 获得诺贝尔奖和普利策奖的美国小说家, 在圣何塞举行的两年一度的斯坦贝克会议上, CA.

BSU学生Patrice Sterling获得Apple/TMCF HBCU菠菜网最稳定正规平台带薪实习

蓝色的field State student Patrice Sterling has been awarded a prestigious Apple/TMCF HBCU Scholars paid internship.

帕特里斯·斯特林是一位杰出的学生.  The rising junior at 蓝色的field State University has been selected as one of only 75 Apple/TMCF HBCU scholars (from a field of more than 2000 applicants) to receive a 12-week paid internship with Apple as a System integration engineer for their watch team.


Alpha Delta Nu National Honor Society Chapter has been established at 蓝色的field State University.  The Honor Society recognizes the academic excellence of students in the study of Associate Degree Nursing.

蓝色的field State University has been chartered as the Zeta Xi Chapter of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society, which recognizes the academic excellence of students in the study of Associate Degree Nursing.  BSU成为西弗吉尼亚州仅有的三个特许分会之一.

BSU学生Chase Belcher获得WVCA奖学金

蓝色的field State University student Chase Belcher (right) is pictured with Gene Thompson, chair of the WV Contractors Association (WVCA) Scholarship Fund Foundation during a recent scholarship presentation ceremony.  贝尔彻被基金会选中,获得3000美元的奖学金.



The 蓝色的field State University 校友 Association recently presented a monetary donation to support the University’s Student Food Pantry. 

The 蓝色的field State University 校友 Association (BSUAA) recently provided timely support for the 蓝色的field State Student Food Pantry.  通过BSU的金钱捐赠, 购买了不易腐烂的食品, 扩大食品储藏室的能力,帮助大学的学生.

WVSOM & BSU宣布与骨科前项目合作

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine President James Nemitz (left) and 蓝色的field State University President Robin Capehart are pictured moments after signing a memorandum of understanding focused on more thoroughly preparing BSU students aspiring to pursue a career in osteopathic medicine.

The West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) and 蓝色的field State University (BSU) have entered into a memorandum of understanding that will more thoroughly prepare BSU students who hope to pursue a career in osteopathic medicine.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台交换生Selina Poljak(左)与美国.S. 参议员乔·曼钦最近在华盛顿特区的国会实习期间.  国会与联邦议院青年交流计划的参与者, 她刚刚开始在默瑟县法院的第二份实习工作. 

蓝色的field State University exchange student Selina Poljak has just begun the second of two prestigious internship opportunities to pursue her goal of becoming an International Court Judge or ambassador.  She is one of five participants in this year’s Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program to participate in the U.S. 国会实习计划.




PikeView Middle School Wins Regional MathCounts Competition at 蓝色的field State University


PikeView Middle School won the recent MathCounts competition at 蓝色的field State University.  五所区域中学(PikeView), 普林斯顿大学, 洛根, Glenwood, 和布鲁菲尔德)参加了比赛, 30多年前在菠菜网最稳定正规平台开始的.



菠菜网最稳定正规平台将获得212美元,000 from a Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) request by Senator Joe Manchin III.  This funding will equip the BSU radiographic laboratories with the latest technology available in medical imaging.